50 specific outdoor plays (10 for each Learning/Training/Teaching Activity (LTTA)) created by primary school teachers who would come together in 5 LTTAs and organize workshops with their techniques, strategies, resources and formulation to create such plays appropriate for schools. Due to covid-19 pandemic situation in the 1st project development year partners did not have possibility to visit partners’ schools and see the activities in practice, therefore as the project period was extended partnership expects to have such experience and to visit every partner school.
There will be introduced and applied these plays in partners schools upon returning home from the mobility and will be integrated into school’s curriculum.
The first portion of suggested outdoor plays was by Polish partner-coordinating institution (Szkola Podstawowa nr 23 im. gen. J. Bema) (please, click on the name and download the file)
- Dinosaurs hunting (https://youtu.be/GssZSEx2F44)
- Melting Crayons (https://youtu.be/IL0JMEJU_ZE)
- Paint like Monet (https://youtu.be/cK6RzcgukFA)
- Painting stones with watercolors
- Rock Paper Scissors (https://youtu.be/kfjeDj74VwM)
- Tag Game (https://youtu.be/lims7OSki_c)
- The Bug Hunt (https://youtu.be/Dp6dTie1p9I)
- The Outdoor Game (https://youtu.be/cY40tCH1mCU)
- We’re Going to The Zoo (https://youtu.be/SwofRzQNMVM)
- Playing with a sprinkler (https://youtu.be/NQULfPqBCnE)
We continue the development of outdoor plays and the second portion of outdoor games was suggested by different partners who shared their experience with other institutions (please, click on the name and download the file) :
Suggestions from Lithuanian partner (Kaunas kindergarten “Pagrandukas”)
1. Catch the tail (it is outdoor game which could be played in 5 different ways and it helps to develop dexterity, speed, movement coordination)
2. Barefoot (it helps for immune system; massages the nervous areas of the body in the feet; reduces stress, helps to relax)
3. Going on a photography scavenger hunt (it helps to develop imagination, attention, different understanding of environmental details; to know the art of photography)
4. Hiking (it helps to discover and experience the pleasure of hiking, to know about nature)
5. Yard, sidewalk painting with colored chalk (it helps to move actively)
6. International Day without a car (helps to develop skills of nature protection; strengthen physical health)
7. Making toys from secondary raw materials (it helps to develop artistic skills and creativity, nature protection, cooperation, encourage usage of secondary raw materials)
8. Painting like Jackson Pollock (it helps to familiarize with Jackson Pollock painting, develop creativity, imagination, hand and eye coordination, learn a new way of painting)
9. Playing catch using balls (it helps to encourage children’s physical activity, develop orientation, speed, dexterity)
10. Reading books in the shade of trees (it helps to use non-traditional environment, develop imagination and creativity, develop interest in reading and practice language skills)
11. Spray paint activity (it helps to get acquainted with the art technique-spraying paint, to develop imagination, creativity, develop aesthetic perception)
Games suggestions from Romanian partner (Școala gimnaziala ”NICOLAE IORGA” comuna Grindu)
1. Egg hunt
2. Fly swatter painting
3. Flowers
4. Paint like Van Gogh
5. Painting stones animals
6. Painting with M and Ms
7. The animals hunt
8. The castle
9. The Danube Delta Biosphere Reservation
10. The tag game
11. We are going to the park
12. Give food to street animals
13. Having a whole meal outside
14. Jumping in the puddle
15. The outdoor game
16. Scavenger hunt
Games suggestions from Spanish partner (CEIP El Rubial)
1. Bottles tops
2. Printing
3. Marbles
4. Elastic or rubber
5. Among us
6. Plastic bottle tops
7. Comet ball
8. Bird feeder
9. Elastic band
10. Skating
11. Toy car laundry
Games suggestions from Turkish partner (ATA ILKOKULU)
1. Spraying graffiti on the driveway
2. Doing rock arts
3. Organizing an ice-cream testing and guessing test
4. Going on the sound safari and cook mood pie
5. Creation of scrapbook made of leaves and picked flowers. Development of paintings
6. Design a treasure map and play finding treasure
7. Mini Olympics
8. Five stone play
9. Stepping on the shadow
10. Burning Ball
11. Hand slapping game
As additional (previously in the early project stage non planned activity) in February-March, 2021, together with children all partnership experienced gardening (we selected cultural plans, herbs, vegetables and dig them, as well took care of them, watched how they were growing, as well we shared pictures and impression, feedback and insights got from kids with all partnership). The action of sharing took place in Facebook, also during online meetings in Zoom platform. It was nice to see how kids take care of the plants, to get their feedback.