Dissemination is a planned process of providing information on the project and its results and initiatives to key actors. Therefore, the prime objective of dissemination of the project’s activities and results is to share what we do – especially to show it to our target group (teachers, pupils) – also to spread ideas and benefit of the project at local, regional, national and transnational levels. Wide dissemination also helps to improve the project itself and to develop it better while following the advises, comments, opinion from users and educational/training authorities.
Here is information about the process and the results of the project which were presented and published in project partners’ communities, during related events, media, etc.
For effective dissemination of the project and it’s results we created:
- Project website;
- Facebook page;
- eTwinning project page;
- Poster;
- Flyer;
- Roll-up;
- Brochure (in English).
Project Dissemination Events are constantly updated in project’s facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Erasmus-Save-your-environment-save-your-future-111655797399582/
Some dissemination examples from partners’ countries: